Wednesday, November 10, 2010

US: National Day of Action

Next Wednesday, November 17 is the National Day of Action to urge Congress to pass the Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking and Victims Support Act (H.R. 5575).

It’s being organized by the National Coalition to End Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, of which Polaris Project is a part. If this legislation passes, it would provide victims of human trafficking with access to much needed services and shelters. H.R. 5575 would also provide grants to state and local governments who work with social service agencies to train law enforcement and increase investigations.
In order to make sure this crucial legislation passes please commit to take action 
NEXT Wednesday! Urge your representatives to take action and help bring an end to human trafficking.

Together, we can send a loud and clear message: human trafficking happens here in the United States and it’s time for Congress to do something about it. 
Click here 
for instructions on how to participate in the National (Call-in) Day of Action.


A Future. Not A Past., ECPAT-USA, Polaris Project,

Rebecca Project, Shared Hope International and the Women's Funding Network