Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Albania: The Law for the Protection of the Rights of the Child is approved

Tirana, Albania:
“All together against child trafficking” coalitionwelcomes the approval of the law “For the Protection of the Rights of the Child” by the Albanian Parliament yesterday.

The approval of this law marks a significant achievement for the protection of the rights of all the Albanian children through a complete legal and institutional framework in accordance with the Albanian Constitution and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Law lays the ground for the establishment of the appropriate institutional mechanisms that will guarantee and ensure respect for the rights of children by the individual, the family, the state or other third party entities.

The Law provides all the necessary measures for guaranteeing the survival, life and the development of the child through a coordinated approach amongst various child rights and child protection stakeholders. It is expected that this law will significantly improve the child protection system in Albania by institutionalizing the Child Protection Units as the apposite local level structures responsible for coordinating the provision of child protection services and case management, in collaboration with a number of multi-disciplinary actors. Child Protection Units have been successfully piloted over the last three years by civil society organizations and are already functioning in 13 municipalities and 4 communes around Albania.