Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Topic: Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Anticipated Published Date: Fall 2012
Guest Editors: Kim Kotrla and Lisa Thompson

Deadline:   Early submission/Abstracts of Intent – January 15, 2011 
                   Paper submission deadline – June 1, 2011

A special issue of Social Work and Christianity (SWC) in 2012 will focus on the work being done by social workers in the field of sex trafficking. As the awareness about the scope and harm of sex trafficking grows, this special issue will examine the role social workers have been playing and can continue to play across the spectrum of anti-sex trafficking efforts.  Members of NACSW and other Christians working in the field of sex trafficking-related social work practice and/or research are encouraged to participate by submitting papers and reading the work of others. 

This special journal issue seeks to include both empirical papers out of academia and conceptual/programmatic papers written by practitioners. Practitioners, in particular, should feel free to contact the guest editors to discuss options for practice-based articles and/or point-of-view papers.  As always, it is the aim of this SWC special issue to illustrate the work of Christian social workers in both scholarship and practice; papers specifically addressing aspects of the practitioner’s own Christian faith and/or the unique provision of faith-based services in anti-sex trafficking efforts are requested. Additionally, papers focusing on advocacy, the demand side of sex trafficking, and specific social work interventions for victims of sex trafficking are strongly encouraged.  Collaborating, multi-disciplinary authorship may be a particularly valuable exercise.

Papers that focus on the intersection of social services, sex trafficking, and Christian-informed social work practice in combination with the following topics are encouraged:

Adult Victims of Sexual Trafficking
Aftercare Services and Treatment
Case Management
Community Assessment
Crisis Intervention
Cultural Issues
Demand for Sex Trafficking
Domestic Minor Victims of Sexual Trafficking
Foreign-born Victims of Sexual Trafficking
Health Care/Physical Needs
Linkages between Sexual Trafficking and the Commercial Sex Industry
Male Victims of Sexual Trafficking
Outreach Efforts
Prevention Programs
Public Awareness
Sexual Trauma
Survivor Voices
Trauma Bonding
Trauma Informed Services
Spiritual Needs of Survivors
Victim Identification
Victim Grooming

Interested authors are strongly encouraged, but not required, to submit abstracts of intent.  Abstracts should be no more than one page in length and should aim to provide an overview of the paper’s direction and intent as well as any preliminary findings or conclusions.

Articles submitted to SWC should begin with a title page, including the author’s name, address, phone number, email address, abstract of no more than 200 words, a list of key words, and if the author would like the manuscript to be peer-reviewed.  Only the title should be repeated on the first page of the text.  The article text should be double-spaced and is limited to 20-25 pages, including all references and appendices.  Please use theAmerican Psychological Association Style Manual format (6th edition) for in-text references and reference lists.  To submit by mail please send a 3.5-inch computer disk copy and four printed copies.  To submit by email, submit in MS Word as an email attachment. 

All potential authors are encouraged to contact Kim Kotrla (; 254.710.4434) or Lisa Thompson (; 703.519.5896) with questions or to discuss ideas for paper submission.
Kimberly A. Kotrla, Ph.D., LCSW
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97320
Waco, TX 76798-7320


Lisa L. Thompson
Liaison for the Abolition of Sexual Trafficking
The Salvation Army NHQ
615 Slaters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22314