Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hoteles Hilton responden: No a la trata. Hilton Hotels answer: No to sex trafficking

Hace unos días me llegó un comunicado que publiqué en el blog, de "Hoteles Hilton: Digan no a la trata". Escribí a los Hoteles Hilton, y el Director Internacional respondió con el siguiente mensaje abajo, que comparto para vuestra información.

Few days ago, I received a communication which I published in the blog, from "Hilton Hotels:  Say no to sex trafficking". I wrote to the Hilton Hotels, and the International Director answered with the following message which I share for your information below:

Hilton Worldwide absolutely and outright condemns all forms of human trafficking and commercial exploitation, including the sexual exploitation of men, women or children.

We strongly support ECPAT and its principles and objectives. All responsible businesses and individuals would support the concept of vigilance in this area. Our soon-to-be-issued updated Global Business Ethics Policy will specifically address the exploitation of minors and will be rolled out globally by the end of the year.

Hilton Worldwide is moving forward with discussions with ECPAT-USA and other organizations about steps to prevent child prostitution and human trafficking, and we continue to engage in and evaluate methods for prevention.

In addition, as a founding member of the International Tourism Partnership ( ), we play an active role in shaping our industry's approach to human rights generally. We are currently exploring other ways in which we can address the issue of human trafficking and exploitation.

ECPAT-USA has made the following statement available on its website:

Hilton Hotels and ECPAT-USA have been in discussions for several weeks about the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism. We are hopeful that these discussions will prove fruitful as Hilton works internally to understand the issues the Code of Conduct raises. We are looking forward to the continuation of these discussions and a positive resolution.