25 de julio de 2011
Washington, 25 jul (EFE).- El Gobierno de Estados Unidos anunció hoy la creación de los primeros equipos de lucha contra el tráfico de personas, conocidos como ACTeams, dentro de una estrategia nacional para combatir esta lacra.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
TdH: Child Protection in Europe - Update #128
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Duro golpe a la trata de personas
Rescatan a 20 jóvenes reportadas como desaparecidas
Publicada: 25 julio 2011
MÉXICO (El Universal y EFE).- Elementos de la Policía Federal detuvieron a 1,030 individuos presuntamente vinculados con la trata de personas luego una operación en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, en la que 20 menores de edad de sexo femenino fueron rescatadas, la mayoría de ellas reportadas como desaparecidas.
Detienen a 36 en operativo contra explotación sexual
Dom, 24/07/2011 - 19:30
Un total de 36 personas, entre mujeres que ejercían la prostitución clandestina y seis proxenetas, fueron detenidas durante un operativo realizado por la Municipalidad de Lima en cinco hostales, para luchar contra la trata y explotación sexual de menores.
![Detienen a 36 en operativo contra explotación sexual](http://www.larepublica.pe/files/imagecache/img_node_carousel/img_node_carousel/mujeres_0.jpg)
La intervención fue en los hostales de los jirones Dávalos, Lissón, Quilca y Zepita, así como en bares clandestinos donde se ejercía la prostitución de menores de edad.
El operativo, realizado en coordinación con el Escuadrón Verde de la Policía, se desarrolló tras constatar que en los hostales y el bar clandestino se reunían meretrices, muchas de ellas menores de edad que, en estado de ebriedad, hacían escándalos en plena vía pública.
La clausura estos locales responde a que no contaban con las condiciones básicas de sanidad y representaban un foco infeccioso para quienes lo visitaban. Los hostales no contaban con extintores de fuego, señalización y cableado eléctrico adecuado.
De igual manera, fue cerrado por 30 días un bar ubicado en la esquina de jirón Callao y Camaná, cuyas instalaciones, luego de la inspección respectiva, fueron catalogadas como de alto riego, pues no cumplía con las medidas de seguridad que todo local público amerita.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Child Protection in Europe - Update #127
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Human Trafficking and Smuggling News
DHS Open Source Enterprise
Daily Human Trafficking and Smuggling Report
13 July 2011
• Enforcement Is Next Challenge After Virginia Human Trafficking Bill Becomes Law:
This spring Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell signed into law several measures to provide new protections agains human trafficking and more severe punishment for those who engage in it. Before the introduction of the legislation, many people didn't realize how prevalent the crime is, especially in Northern Virginia. The challenge now that the bill has become law is recognizing human trafficking and taking action when it occurs. The nation's human trafficking watchdog is the Polaris Project in Washington, D.C. CEO Bradley Miles says Americans find it hard to believe that such crimes exist here. … He says all forms of this modern day slavery are very prevalent in the greater D.C. region, in part because Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia converge in an area with varying law enforcement policies … it's where criminals prey on unsuspecting foreign nationals. [HSEC-3.6; Date: 12 July 2011;
Source: http://wamu.org/news/11/07/12/enforcement_is_next_challenge_after_virginia_human_trafficking_bill_beco
• 3 Girls Rescued From Cybersex [Philippines]:
Nine-year-old Mimi went looking for her mother Tuesday afternoon after her 65-year-old grandmother summoned them for lunch. They never managed to share that meal. The fourth grader was one of three minors rescued by authorities from an alleged cybersex den in Cordova town. The other girls are 12 and 17, police said. Mimi's 31-year-old mother was also arrested along with two other women, aged 25 and 29. … Superintendent Rodolfo Albotra said they caught Mimi and the other children doing "lewd acts" in front of a computer-mounted camera. Albotra, chief of the Provincial Intelligence Branch (PIB) of the Cebu Provincial Police Office (CPPO), said the arrested women were in the same room with the minors. The house was under surveillance for two months after the police were informed that its owner is involved in an illegal online business, said Albotra. … PIB Deputy Chief Mark Sucalit, in a phone interview, said an informant told him that the minors were paid a minimum of US$50 or around P2,156. It wasn't clear if that fee was per week or per month. [HSEC-3.10; Date: 13 July 2011;
Source: http://www.sunstar.com.ph/cebu/local-news/2011/07/13/3-girls-rescued-cybersex-166508]
• Eight More Laborers Languish In Chennai [India]: The alleged detention of at least eight laborers from Nilagiri area of Balasore district by a private firm owner in Chennai has once again exposed the untold miseries of migrant and bonded laborers outside the State. The incident came to the fore after two of the 10 laborers lured by a labor contractor managed to escape and reached home on Sunday. The laborers from Kathagochhi, Salabani and Hatiasila villages have allegedly been detained and forced to work without pay for the last six months. … According to the allegation, one person of Ranital area in Bhadrak district who works as a contractor in Chennai had engaged the laborers in a private firm with a promise of Rs 6,000[$134] a month. Their plight worsened when they were forced to work for over 12 hours without any pay. The laborers who have escaped said the contractor had already taken money from the company and they were working there without any remuneration. [HSEC-3.10; Date: 11 June 2011;
Source: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/eight-more-labourers-languish-in-chennai/166623-60-117.html]
• Cabinet For Death Penalty To Traffickers [Bangladesh]: The cabinet on Monday approved the draft of human trafficking prevention law in principle incorporating a provision for death penalty to the traffickers if the charge is proved. The approval of draft 'The Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act- 2011' came at a regular meeting of the cabinet. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina chaired the meeting. … "If found guilty, one can be awarded life imprisonment with a fine of Tk 5 lakh [$6,721]. As highest
punishment, one would be awarded death penalty," he said. [HSEC-3.9; Date: 11 July 2011;
Source: http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/latest_news.php?nid=30827]
• Singapore Drafting Action Plan Against Sex & Labour Trafficking: Singapore is currently drafting a National Plan of Action for the country to tackle both sex and labour trafficking. It is also studying the possibility of future accession to the United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol. These points were made by Singapore's Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons in response to the announcement that Singapore was upgraded to "Tier 2" from "Tier 2 Watchlist" in the recent US Trafficking in Persons Report 2011. The taskforce said that as Singapore grows as a hub for travel, tourism and economic activity, it expects to become an increasingly attractive potential destination for human trafficking syndicates. [HSEC-3.9; Date: 12 July 2011;
Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour/ Alliance syndicale contre le travail forcé/ Alianza Sindical para Combatir el Trabajo Forzoso
Castellano más abajo/version française ci-dessous
· Immigration Racket Busted in Punjab, India
· Australia: AWU campaign for Filipino offshore oil and gas guest workers results in major prosecutions.
· Reconstruction in Haiti: The urgency of decent work with a focus on trafficking of children into labour and sexual exploitation
· Indonesia: Historic Pact Strengthens Sportswear Workers' Union Rights
· ÖGB Austria publishes the study "Possibilities for compensation for victims of human trafficking in Austria"
· International Criminal Court Must Speed Up Investigations into Sex Crimes in DRC
· New International Convention on Domestic Workers Rights Must Be Respected by Governments + interview with Marieke Koning (ITUC-Equality): "A historic victory for domestic workers"
· Madagascar's export processing zone: modern-day slavery
· AFL-CIO Solidarity Center testifies before the U.S. Helsinki Commission
· Morocco - Salé-Témara-Rabat: companies free to violate with impunity
WTO Core Labour Standards Reports:
· European Union
· Nigeria
For more information or to subscribe, please contact forcedlabour@ituc-csi.org
Website: www.ituc-csi.org/forcedlabour
· Australia: Campaña de AWU a favor de los trabajadores invitados de origen filipino en las plataformas de petróleo y gas desemboca en importantes procesos judiciales
· Reconstrucción en Haití: La urgencia del empleo decente: Enfoque también sobre los niños atrapados por la falta de educación y la explotación.
· Indonesia: Pacto histórico refuerza los derechos sindicales para los trabajadores en la fabricación de ropa deportiva
· ÖGB Austria publica el estudio "Posibilidades de compensación para las víctimas de la trata de personas en Austria"
- La Corte Penal Internacional debe acelerar sus investigaciones sobre los delitos sexuales en la en RDC
- El nuevo Convenio internacional sobre el trabajo doméstico debe ser cumplido por los gobiernos + entrevista de Marieke Koning (CSI- Igualdad) Victoria histórica para las trabajadoras del hogar.
· Zonas francas en Madagascar: esclavitud moderna (en Francés y en Inglés)
· Solidarity Center de AFL-CIO ante la Comisión Helsinki de EE.UU. (en Inglés)
· Marruecos: Rabat-Salé-Temara: empresas parapetadas en zona de impunidad (en Francés)
Informes a la OMC sobre las normas fundamentales del trabajo:
- Unión Europea (en Inglés)
- Nigeria (en Inglés)
Para más información o para subscribirse en la lista de distribución, contacte con forcedlabour@ituc-csi.org
Sitio web: www.ituc-csi.org/forcedlabour
- Trafic d'immigration démantelé au Pendjab (Inde)
- Australie: La campagne de l'AWU en faveur des travailleurs/euses philippins dans les exploitations pétrolières et gazières offshore débouche sur d'importantes poursuites
- Reconstruction en Haïti : L'urgence de l'emploi décent. Regards aussi sur les enfants pris au piège du manque d'éducation et de l'exploitation.
- Indonésie : un pacte historique conclu renforce les droits syndicaux des travailleurs/euses dans le secteur des vêtements de sport
· L'ÖGB (Autriche) publie l'étude "Possibilités d'indemnisation des victimes de la traite des êtres humains en Autriche"
- Le Tribunal pénal international doit accélérer ses investigations sur les crimes sexuels en RDC
- Le mouvement syndical international enjoint les gouvernements à respecter la toute nouvelle Convention sur le travail domestique + interview Gros Plan sur Marieke Koning (CSI- Egalité): « Victoire historique pour les travailleuses domestiques. »
· Zones franches au Madagascar: esclavage moderne (en français, sous-titré en anglais)
· Centre de solidarité de l'AFL-CIO devant la Commission Helsinki des États-Unis (en anglais)
Rapports à l'intention de l'OMC sur les normes de travail fondamentales:
- Union européenne (en anglais)
- Nigeria (en anglais)
Pour de plus amples informations ou pour s'inscrire à la liste de distribution, veuillez contacter forcedlabour@ituc-csi.org
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
CSI Confédération syndicale internationale
CSI Confederación Sindical Internacional
IGB Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, BE-1210 Brussels, Belgium
tel (direct): +32 (0)2 224 03 22
CSI Confédération syndicale internationale
CSI Confederación Sindical Internacional
IGB Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, BE-1210 Brussels, Belgium
tel (direct): +32 (0)2 224 03 22
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