Designed for primary and secondary schools, teacher training institutions and other learning settings, this compendium includes 101 exemplary practices from Central Asia, Europe and North America and is a valuable resource for teachers and education policymakers. It provides resource materials relevant to key elements for successful human rights education, including 1) laws, guidelines and standards; 2) learning environment; 3) teaching and learning tools; 4) professional development for educators, and 5) evaluation. The collection demonstrates creative approaches to human rights education and aims to facilitate networking and exchange of experience among education professionals. The practices can be adapted to local conditions anywhere in the world. URL:
New documents added:
* Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Education (Paris: UNESCO, 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: report, human rights education, World Programme for Human Rights Education, UNESCO. URL:
* Discover Human Rights: A Human Rights Approach to Social Justice. Training Manual by Emily Farell and Madeline Lohman (Minneapolis: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: training manual, community leaders, NGO staff, human rights-based approach (HRBA), USA. URL:
* Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific. Volume 1 (Osaka: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, 2010). Language(s): English. Keywords: research study, formal education, graduate, higher education, non-formal education, training of professional groups, adult education, HIV/AIDS, human rights education, legal literacy, persons living with HIV/AIDS, right to health, right to housing, rights of the child, trafficking in persons, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam. URL:
* Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific. Volume 2 (Osaka: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: research study, formal education, higher education, in-service training, informal education, primary school, secondary school, training of professional groups, legal education, human rights education, national human rights institutions, rule of law, trafficking in persons, World Programme for Human Rights Education, Afghanistan, Australia, India, Japan, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Timor Leste. URL:
* Human Rights Education in Ireland - An Overview (Dublin: Irish Human Rights Commission, 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: research study, formal education, higher education, in-service training, non-formal education, pre-school, pre-service training, primary school, training of professional groups, citizenship education, development education, education for democratic citizenship, inter-cultural education, human rights education, national human rights institutions, World Programme for Human Rights Education, Ireland. URL:
* Housing Rights for Everyone, Everywhere: Trainer's File (Geneva: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2007). Language(s): English. Keywords: training manual, trainers, right to housing, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). URL:
* Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 2000 of South Africa (Cape Town: Human Rights Education Centre–Southern Africa, Organization for African Youth and Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage, 2010). Language(s): English. Keywords: reference, discrimination, equality before the law, gender equality, non-discrimination, racial discrimination, South Africa. URL:
New courses added:
* 2nd Institute for African Transitional Justice
Date: 20-27 November 2011
Level: (post)graduate, professional
Focus: The Refugee Law Project (RLP), Faculty of Law, Makerere University, in collaboration with the African Transitional Justice Research Network (ATJRN) organize the 2nd Institute for African Transitional Justice (IATJ) which has as its theme: "Whose Memories Count and at What Cost?" Memory and memorialization have been chosen as the focus of the 2011 IATJ due to the powerful albeit highly politicized role memory plays in the analysis of the past, which invariably influences the interpretation of the present.
Location: Kitgum (Uganda)
Deadline of application: 1 August 2011
Organisation: Refugee Law Project (RLP), Faculty of Law/Makerere University, African Transitional Justice Research Network (ATJRN)
* 10th Annual Global Linking & Learning Programme
Date: 1-10 December 2011
Level: professional
Focus: The programme will take participants on a ten day intensive but enjoyable learning journey that will equip the participants with knowledge of the key elements of human rights-based development, and enhance skills for its practical application. Participants will see the link between human rights and development, and become more committed to the work ahead to achieve the unified human rights and development vision of human dignity for all.
Location: Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Deadline of application: 19 October 2011
Organisation: Dignity International
* Gender and Peace Studies
Date: 7 November-16 December 2011
Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional
Focus: The course in Peace and Conflict Studies is designed to engage online students in an examination of the major contemporary challenges to peace, sources of conflict and violence, and several key nonviolent mechanisms for conflict transformation and prevention.
Location: Internet (e-learning)
Deadline of application: 19 October 2011
Organisation: University for Peace
* Housing Rights are Human Rights (6S11)
Date: 26 October-6 December 2011
Level: (post)graduate, professional
Focus: This e-learning course introduces participants to the international human rights framework as it relates to housing and related rights. The focus will be on the right to adequate housing as guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as well as housing rights in other international human rights instruments and how those rights have been applied at the international and national levels.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: 1 October 2011
Organisation: HREA
* Introduction to International Human Rights Law (Foundation Course) (11S11)
Date: 2 November-13 December 2011
Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional
Focus: This short certificate course jointly offered by HREA and the Human Rights Centre of the UN Mandated University for Peace introduces participants to the basics of international human rights law. The course is intended to not only build the foundations of the participants in international human rights law, but also as a foundation course for other HREA e-learning courses and to serve as a stepping stone for developing expertise in specialised areas of human rights law and practice.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: 15 October 2011
Organisation: HREA and University for Peace Human Rights Centre
* Leadership Institute in Women's Economic Social & Cultural Rights
Date: 22-28 January 2012
Level: professional
Focus: The Leadership Institute is an annual leadership development programme to enhance women's rights leaders' conceptual understanding and build their skills towards effective activism and advocacy around women's human rights.
Location: Kathmandu (Nepal)
Deadline of application: 10 October 2011
Organisation: PWSCR
* The European System of Human Rights Protection and Promotion (9E12)
Date: 22 February-3 April 2012
Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional
Focus: This e-learning course provides participants with practical guidance on how to protect human rights through the European human rights system, and specifically the institutions and treaties of the Council of Europe. Participants will be introduced to the main European human rights conventions and jurisprudence, primarily as developed through the European Court of Human Rights. The course addresses European human rights standards as they apply to civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights. Case studies on the freedom of expression, homosexuality, violence against women, prisoner's rights, protection of the mentally-ill, and the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons, will deepen participants' understanding of the European human rights standards and
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: 1 December 2011
Organisation: HREA
* The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (5S11)
Date: 26 October-6 December 2011
Level: professional
Focus: In this e-learning course participants will be introduced to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The course will examine the principles of the Convention and the state obligations to implement it. Substantive rights will be addressed and these include the right to legal capacity, the right to live in the community and the right to political participation. Participants will be encouraged to assess how the CRPD embodies an approach which views disability as a social construct, and ensures that the rights of people with disabilities are respected, protected and fulfilled on an equal basis with others.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: 1 October 2011
Organisation: HREA
## LINKS: ##
The Human Rights Links section of the Resource Centre has been revised and expanded. It is now possible to navigate the links by both county, region and topic. The following links were added recently:
Source: "ERC-L Human Rights Education Newsletter ( )"
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