Monday, April 9, 2012

Noticias y news: Trata de Seres Humanos

(AGI) Rome - An ECPAT report says at least 1,2 million children are victims of sexual exploitation every year in the world. 22 nations in the world are committed to protecting children from sex-trafficking, changing laws and adopting international treaties. ECPAT-International and The Body Shop presented the report in Bangkok after a three year campaign, 2009-2012. There are seven million signatures on one of the petitions with the highest participation ever presented to the United Nations, involving 64 countries. 

09 de Abril de 2012, 08:29
La Paz - Bolivia.- El presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Cámara de Diputados, Lucio Marca, adelantó que en las próximas semanas se elevará un informe ante la Comisión de Política Internacional para socializar y articular una red regional contra la trata y tráfico de seres humanos, delito que afecta principalmente a la población de niñas, adolescentes y mujeres del país.

La concejala Viviana Foresi (PS) instó a sumarse a la Municipalidad y a los rosarinos a las acciones del plan "Basta de trata. Todos con el Corazón Azul".

20-03-2012 / 17:30 h EFE
La ONG Accem, especializada en el trabajo con refugiados e inmigrantes, ha organizado esta semana sendas conferencias en Cartagena y Murcia sobre la trata de seres humanos y la explotación laboral.

Qatar Foundation for Combating Human Trafficking (QFCHT) has developed and implemented a national action plan for the years 2010-2015. The plan is based on prevention, protection, prosecution and international co-operation through networking, coalition and capacity building, QFCHT director general Maryam al-Malki has told a global meeting against trafficking. 

Published: 21.03.2012 16:39
Parliament passed amendments to Penal Code criminalizing human trafficking on Wednesday thereby relieving Estonia from the dubious title of being the only EU country to lack an anti-trafficking law.

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