Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ERC-L Human Rights Education Newsletter, Volume 10, Issue # 4 (March 2012)

* ERC-L Volume 10, Issue # 4 (March 2012) *
* A monthly newsletter with updates from the *
* Electronic Resource Centre for Human Rights Education *
* Published by HREA *
* *

ERC-L is a monthly e-mail newsletter about new resources for human rights education and training on the web site of HREA. HREA's Resource Centre consists of: a Library; a Forums section with various discussion lists related to human rights and human rights education; a Human Rights Links section; and a Databases section. If you have questions or feedback, please contact us at: <>.


Humanity in War: Introduction to International Humanitarian Law

This rapid e-course gives an overview of the institutions and mechanisms that serve to uphold international humanitarian law (IHL), the law of armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are the core treaties of IHL and are the most comprehensive guidelines to mitigate the effects of warfare. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a special role in upholding the Geneva Conventions. The course also examines other mechanisms and special courts that enforce IHL, like the International Criminal Court. Finally, the course looks at the special legal protections afforded to certain groups, including children, refugees and women. The course combines text with rich multimedia, including videos and podcasts. Knowledge checks reinforce the information learned. Assignments engage you to solve specific problems and point you to useful resources. Learn more and try the demo:  

## LIBRARY: ##

New documents added:

* Approaches to civic education in Africa by Freida M'Cormack (Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC), 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: article, lessons learned, research study, citizenship education, civic education, Africa, Angola, Kenya, South Africa.
* Bringing A Human Rights Vision to Public Schools: A Training Manual for Organizers (New York: National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) and Community Asset Development Re-defining Education (CADRE), 2007). Language(s): English, Spanish. Keywords: training manual, community leaders, parents, youth, formal education, primary school, secondary school, advocacy, right to education, USA.

* Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education-Pocket version (Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2010). Language(s): English, French, Russian. Keywords: guidelines, NGO staff, policy makers, school administrators, teachers, formal education, higher education, in-service training, informal education, non-formal education, primary school, secondary school, teacher training, vocational education, education for democratic citizenship, human rights education, Council of Europe.
* Education for Human Rights... Young People Talking (Paris: UNESCO, 2011). Language(s): English, French. Keywords: video, pupils, secondary school, human rights education, UNESCO, Albania, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Dominican Republic, France, Indonesia, Lebanon, Uganda.

* Human Rights Education and Learning Methods (Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2010). Language(s): English. Keywords: video, human rights education, human rights-based approach (HRBA), methodology, pedagogy, Denmark.
* Human rights education at Holocaust memorial sites across the European Union: An overview of practices (Luxembourg: FRA – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2011). Language(s): English. Keywords: good practices, report, history education, Holocaust, human rights education, European Union.

* Justice and Fairness (British Red Cross). Language(s): English. Keywords: modules, teacher guide, unit plan(s), teachers, secondary school, international humanitarian law, war crimes, International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent (ICRC), United Kingdom.

* Perspectives of Research on Human Rights Education by Felisa Tibbitts and Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Journal of Human Rights Education 2(1), September 2010. Language(s): English. Keywords: article, research study, human rights education, research & evaluation.

* Training Manual: Independent Monitors of Juvenile Detention Facilities (Penal Reform International, 2011). Language(s): English, Russian. Keywords: training manual, human rights monitors, human rights monitoring, juvenile justice, prison conditions, prisoners' rights training manual, human rights monitors, human rights monitoring, juvenile justice, prison conditions, prisoners' rights, Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT), Bangladesh, India, Southern Africa, Uganda, United Kingdom.


New courses added:

* 30th Course on International Humanitarian Law
Date: 27 August-6 September 2012
Level: post-graduate, professional
Focus: A 10-day training in international humanitarian law (IHL) providing the skills needed to analyse the complex legal issues arising in armed conflict today.
Location: Warsaw (Poland)
Deadline of application: 27 April 2012
Organisation: ICRC

* British Red Cross Intensive Summer Course on IHL
Date: 15-18 July 2012
Level: (under)graduate, professional
Focus: The course is intended to provide a general understanding of IHL and will cover the principles and rules and their practical application.
Location: Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Deadline of application: 30 April 2012
Organisation: British Red Cross

* Disability Rights in an African context
Date: 7-11 May 2012
Level: post-graduate, professional
Focus: This course aims to provide an overview and explore a critical understanding of international, regional and domestic law on disability rights relevant to Africa, and develop an understanding of the limits of the law; promote awareness of disability as a human rights issue and as part of human diversity; encourage critical responses to the existing law by developing alternative conceptions and theories, with reference to comparative legal norms and jurisprudence; develop skills and competence to advocate for legal and policy change and improved implementation of disability rights; and develop skills to undertake comparative research on disability rights in Africa.
Location: Pretoria (South Africa)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: Centre for Human Rights/Faculty of Law/University of Pretoria

* ESC Rights in Practice (17S12)
Date: 30 May-10 July 2012
Level: professional
Focus: This short certificate course introduces development workers, staff of community-based organisations and NGOs to economic, social, and cultural rights (ESC rights) and how these rights can be applied in their efforts to improve the lives of local communities. Participants will deepen their understanding of ESC rights within the international human rights system. In particular, they will learn about the international human rights framework to respect, protect, and fulfill rights and how it can be practically applied by members of community-based organisations to address ESC rights issues in their work. Participants will learn practical tools to help communities identify, address and claim their ESC rights.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: HREA

* Human Rights Litigation (13E12)
Date: 30 April-15 July 2012
Level: professional
Focus: This specialised e-learning course provides participants with knowledge of the concept, types, venues and strategies of human rights litigation. It focuses on strategic litigation and legal aid both internationally and domestically, and explores a variety of strategies: issue or group oriented litigation, community based services, legal clinics, NGO or law firm resourced actions and others. Participants are familiarised with court ordered structural relief, as well as with conventional victim-centered legal remedies. Non-litigation strategies to maximise the chances of winning cases and to ensure the effective enforcement of decisions too are considered.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: HREA

* Human Rights Monitoring (4E12)
Date: 25 April-10 July 2012
Level: professional
Focus: This specialised e-learning course provides participants practical guidance on how to monitor human rights. Participants will be introduced to the doctrine and methodology of human rights monitoring, primarily as developed through the work of international organizations and NGOs, such as the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and national human rights NGOs. The participants will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the principles and the methods of human rights monitoring and on monitoring of specific institutions and situations.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: HREA

* Indigenous People's Rights in the Field
Date: 6-12 August 2012
Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional
Focus: The course will include one day of introductory classwork in a workshop format on the UPEACE main campus followed by the field trip to Amubri that will include visits to community associations, meetings with community elders, school teachers, medical service providers, etc. The field trip is intense and will include debriefing sessions every day. Finally, there will be a wrap up session in Puerto Viejo before the group returns to San Jose on the evening of 12th August.
Location: Amubri (Costa Rica)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: University for Peace Human Rights Centre

* Media Empowerment on Human Rights
Date: 21-25 May 2012
Focus: The workshop will include highlighting the human rights doctrine, monitoring mechanisms and institutions, sharing experiences and good practices, and challenging the role of media as a human rights defender. Journalists will attend and report on the Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session concerning their respective countries and take part in press conferences and side events according to their interests.
Location: Geneva (Switzerland)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: GMedia Center

* Monitoring Children's Rights (14E12-2)
Date: 25 April-10 July 2012
Level: professional
Focus: This e-learning course is a basic introduction to measuring and monitoring the status of children, including basic health and welfare, education, civil rights and freedoms, and special protection measures. The course will address the full cycle of monitoring, including tool development; methodologies for carrying out monitoring (both organisationally as well as through the involvement of children); and the application of results for improving the promotion and protection of children's human rights.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: HREA 

* Peace Education, Theory and Practice
Date: 28 May-27 July 2012
Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional
Focus: This course seeks to provide a critical overview of key ideas, concepts and analytical perspectives on peace education that have been manifested in diverse institutional, community, and grassroots initiatives and programs in both North and South contexts.
Location: Internet (e-learning course)
Deadline of application: -
Organisation: University for Peace

## LINKS: ##

The Human Rights Links section of the Resource Centre has been revised and expanded. It is now possible to navigate the links by both county, region and topic.

The following links were updated recently:






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