Thursday, May 8, 2014

Call on your Government to support a protocol to stop forced labour

> Dear friends,
> In 1930, the world made a commitment to end forced labour by adopting the ILO Forced Labour Convention #C29. It was designed to address forced labour exacted from people in overseas colonial territories. Over the years, new challenges have emerged to tackle today's forced labour in the private economy, in private homes, local businesses and multinational supply chains.
> Forced labour today has risen to an alarming level.
> World leaders have put it on the agenda of the 2014 International Labour Conference in June in Geneva. We have from now until June to make the world know that it is time to end forced labour.

> Go to our action page<> to call on your Government to support a strong Protocol to the ILO Forced Labour Convention.

> Please share the action link as widely as possible on your social networks.
> Many thanks for your support!
> ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
> CSI Confédération syndicale internationale
> CSI Confederación Sindical Internacional
> IGB Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund
> Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, BE-1210 Brussels, Belgium
> tel (direct): +32 (0)2 224 03 22
> fax : +32 (0)2 224 02 97