Thursday, October 27, 2011

Malaysia/Uganda: Malaysian police free 21 Uganda s*x slaves

Shared by Lisa Thompson, The Salvation Army. 

(AFP) – Oct 17, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysian police said Tuesday they had rescued 21 Ugandan women from forced prostitution, breaking up what they called the country's first large-scale such ring involving African victims.
The Federal Criminal Investigation Department said in a statement that police freed the women on Friday from four flats in an apartment building on the outskirts of the capital Kuala Lumpur.

The women, aged from 19 to 42, were lured to Malaysia with promises of jobs as maids in homes and hotels but instead were forced into prostitution to pay off their $7,000 travel fees.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Child Protection in Europe - Update #140


Top News »

.0. .0.

Kosovo Project launched to promote improved juvenile justice


21 Oct 2011
Pristine, Kosovo, October 19, 2011: Terre des Hommes in partnership with
UNICEF and with the support of the EC Liaison Office, has organized
the launching of the project "Mobilization of Civil Society on Juvenile Just...
  Read More
.0. .0.

News on the net - Headlines »

.0. .0.

International IJJO Newsletter October 2011

25 Oct 2011
The 80th edition of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory
Newsletter reports that the The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
has granted the International IJJO the UN special consultative status during
 the ... Read More
.0. .0.

UK Scandal of trafficked women held in UK

20 Oct 2011
The 'London Evening Standard' reports that almost 200 women are being
unlawfully detained in immigration centres whereas they are victims of trafficking.
  Read More
.0. .0.

Ireland Roma begging gangs broken up

20 Oct 2011
'Herald' reports that large amounts of cash have been seized as gardai moved against
Roma gangs using children to beg on Dublin's streets. Read More
.0. .0.

Europe Human trafficking in Europe

20 Oct 2011
'Vatican Radio' reports that "Minorenni in vendita"—"Young girls for sale:
Teenage girls forced into prostitution; a lucrative business in Eastern Europe;
a woman who struggles to save them" is the title of the book o... Read More
.0. .0.

Kosovo RAE community in Mitrovica, the most successful story of 

the return to Kosovo

20 Oct 2011
'M-Magazine' reports that senior officials of local and international institutions
participated in the inauguration of 14 new houses and asphalting of the street in Roma
neighborhood in Mitrovica. Read More
.0. .0.

UK The secret lives of Britain's child beggars

19 Oct 2011
'BBC Panorama' filmed young children begging as they worked the streets during
 last winter's snow, sleet and rain. Read More
.0. .0.

UK UK sent children Iraq Afghanistan despite Government ban

18 Oct 2011
'Daily Mail' reports that British authorities have confirmed that children under
the age of 18 were accidentally deployed to operational theatres in Iraq and Afghanistan
 between 2008 and 2010. Read More
.0. .0.

News from the field - Headlines »

.0. .0.

Moldova Feeling stiff after MOVE-ing - last training in Moldova ensures 


21 Oct 2011
Vadul lui Voda, Moldova, 26th-28th of September, 2011: Gaël Rennesson, the
MOVE regional coordinator for Moldova, Romania and Albania organized his last
training in Moldova. After three days of training, the once anim... Read More
.0. .0.

Moldova Pioneering Kin-ball through MOVE project

20 Oct 2011
Miguel Sanchez Gomez is in Moldova with the International Organization for Migration
 working as a project assistant in migration and management. We asked him what his
affiliation to Terre des hommes and to the sport c... Read More
.0. .0.

Kosovo Bulgaria Kosovar and Bulgarian counterparts learn from each


18 Oct 2011
Sofia, Bulgaria, 10–14 October, 2011: Different representatives of state institutions
 from Kosovo, working in the child protection field, had the chance to meet with their
counterparts in Bulgaria to discuss child pro... Read More
.0. .0.

Documents »

.0. .0.

UK Safeguarding children who may have been trafficked -Update 2011

25 Oct 2011
This guidance document was originally issued in 2007, but has been updated to reflect
developments since it was first published, such as the introduction in April 2009 of the
National Referral Mechanism and the duty o... Read More
.0. .0.

UK Making every child matter ... everywhere

21 Oct 2011
This report provides an overview of trends and patterns in the trafficking of minors into
and within the UK from 1 January – 15 September 2011. This data gives a general indication
 of the scale of child trafficking ... Read More

Monday, October 24, 2011

Human Trafficking and Smuggling Report

DHS Open Source Enterprise 
24 October 2011 


Human Traffickers Eye Kids For More Profit [New Mexico]:  Sometimes the girls haven't even reached puberty, but they are already being forced to have sex with men who could be their grandfathers.  Such sexual exploitation of children and teens — many of whom have been trafficked through New Mexico casinos and truck stops — is a growing profitable industry, Tina Frundt told social workers, lawyers and law enforcement personnel Thursday during an anti-trafficking training session at the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy off Jaguar Drive.  "Drug dealers are stopping the selling of drugs to sell children, because they make more money," said Frundt, executive director and founder of Courtney's House, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., that serves teen victims of sexual trafficking. … The average age of girls who come into Courtney's House is between 10 and 13 years.  Some cases have involved boys as young as 6 to 8 years old.  Data from a national survivor's hotline indicates that 86 percent of victims were sexually abused before they were trafficked, Frundt said.  "This is not just a foreign national issue, it's not just a U.S. citizen issue, it's an issue of children being bought and sold."  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 22 October 2011; Source:] 
Officials Seek Out More Human Trafficking Victims [Florida]:  The U.S. government offers roughly 5,000 visas a year to illegal immigrants who agree to testify against the traffickers who brought them to this country and then forced them into prostitution or other servitude.  But in the first eight months of this year, only 524 victims applied for the visas and less than half were issued.  Federal prosecutors and officials say they want to raise awareness about predatory human traffickers and put them in prison. … But they are facing the challenge of convincing illegal immigrants to come forward when sentiment against them is on the rise, and the Obama administration is touting a record number of deportations over the last year.  "Someone who came illegally and knew they were coming illegally might think they have no redress, and they are mistaken," immigration services Director Alejandro Mayorca told The Associated Press.  Just because someone agreed to be smuggled into the country doesn't mean they should be victimized, he said.  [HSEC- 3.10; Date: 23 October 2011; Source:] 

Maryland Man Sentenced In Sex Trafficking Case:  Cooper Kweme, 31, of Silver Spring, Md., has been sentenced today to 132 months in prison for the sex trafficking of a female juvenile, stemming from a prostitution business operated by Kweme earlier this year in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.  "Mr. Kweme trolled social networking sites and then lured and groomed a juvenile girl into his prostitution business," said Neil MacBride, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. … According to evidence presented in court, Kweme used the Internet to advertise women as prostitutes for his business.  In February 2011, Kweme recruited a 16-year-old female to work as a prostitute after meeting her on an online social network targeted at teens, where he falsely claimed to be in his mid-20s.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 22 October 2011; Source:] 

Oklahoma Woman Gets 5 Years In Prison For Adoption Scam; Charged With Trafficking In Children:  A Tecumseh woman charged in an adoption scam has reached a plea agreement with prosecutors and is to serve five years in prison.  The Tulsa World reports … that 32-year-old Angela Michelle Wilkerson pleaded guilty last week in Oklahoma County District Court to trafficking in children.  Wilkerson admitted to taking money from families in several states last December and January, promising she would give up her child to them for adoption.  Wilkerson agreed to pay $55,892 in restitution to her victims and will be on probation for 10 years after serving her prison time.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 21 October 2011; Source:


Businessman On Trial In Human Trafficking Case [United Arab Emirates]:  A 51-year-old Palestinian businessman faced a human trafficking charge on Sunday in the Court of First Instance as he is accused of luring a woman to come to the UAE and forcing her into prostitution.  The alleged victim, a 21-year-old Moroccan woman, said during the investigation that she was offered a cleaner job for a Dh5,000 [$1,361] salary in the UAE after she gave two signed checks worth Dh5,000 [$1,361] to a compatriot woman in her country.  She arrived with that woman, who is wanted in connection with the case, at the Dubai International Airport on May 11.  The defendant received them and took them to an apartment in Al Mankhoul Street in Raffa. … When she came back to the apartment, a man, who also is wanted in the case, told her that she would work in flesh trade.  While she objected it, he threatened to send her back to Morocco, but held her up in the flat.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 24 October 2011; Source:] 

New Form Of Child Trafficking In Tanzania:  Orphans in secondary schools are now in danger of being exploited by child traffickers who lure them out of school with promises of training them in Europe, but instead exploit them for money, it has been revealed. … "The problem was brought to our attention by teachers who were concerned about the number of students, especially orphans, who were being taken out of school with promises of being trained outside the country," said Ms Ndyetabura.  Ms Ndyetabura said after following up on the lead, they discovered that instead, the children were being exploited through working for "charity" organizations outside the country that required them to sing on the streets for money.  [HSEC-3.10; Date:  23 October 2011; Source:] 0

Notorious Albanian Human Smuggler Arrested In Greece:  For over 6 years, authorities around Europe had been searching for the Albanian mastermind behind an enormous human smuggling business based in Belgium.  The notorious human trafficker was finally arrested by the Greek police while trying to cross the Greek-Albanian borders.  The 51-year-old human smuggler was wanted by the Belgium police for being the head of an organized criminal group trafficking women for commercial sexual exploitation in many Belgian countries from 1998 to 2004.  Moreover, the Albanian criminal is charged with identity documents forgery, which he sold to the women he was illegally smuggling into Belgium, and with the raping of one of his victims.  Police officers of Kakavia Police Station based near the Greek-Albanian borders tracked down the Albanian criminal while he was trying to enter Greece.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 23 October 2011; Source:] 

Human Trafficking Cases Witness Sharp Increase In 2011 [Pakistan]:  Like other social crimes penetrating in Pakistani society, human-trafficking cases have considerably increased during 2011, whereas the authorities concerned seemed unable to keep check on this nefarious act. … In Islamabad district courts 26 cases were registered against different people allegedly involved in human trafficking incidents. … Three main frequent routes used by traffickers in Pakistan include Makran coast, Thar and porous border with Afghanistan, the sea routes of Karachi, Ormara, Pasni Gawadar and Jiwani are easy routes to get to the Gulf.  The favorite destinations of traffickers remain South East Asian countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and South Korea that are popular with semi-educated, laborer class.  The common destination countries include Gulf and Saudi Arabia and amongst Western Europe and the UK are the most favorite destinations followed by Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Scandinavian countries.  [HSEC-3.6; Date: 24 October 2011; Source:\10\24\story_24-10-2011_pg11_1] 

Un millón de niños son víctimas de trata con fines de explotación sexual

Día Mundial contra esta nueva forma de esclavitud @ 23-10-2011 13:40

Madrid.- En España se identificaron durante 2010 más de 1.600 víctimas de trata, aunque se sabe que hay muchas más aún sin reconocer.
[Fotonoticia]Los niños son las víctimas invisibles de la trata, una de las principales formas de esclavitud contemporánea. Durante 2010, en España fueron identificadas más de 1.600 víctimas de trata, y entre ellas, 13 niñas menores de edad. Estos datos son sólo la punta del iceberg. Se sabe que son muchas más y que España es un país de tránsito y de destino de niños y especialmente niñas tratadas con fines de explotación sexual, así como un país de origen y destino del llamado "turismo sexual".

Friday, October 21, 2011

Caen traficantes argentinos de bebés de bolivianas

Las madres eran deportadas después de que entregaban a sus hijos, por si se arrepentían.

INVESTIGAN. Una inmigrante boliviana cuida a sus bebés. - Redaccion central La PrensaLa Policía Federal de Argentina capturó a tres personas acusadas de trata y tráfico de bebés de mujeres bolivianas y peruanas sin residencia legal en ese país. Los recién nacidos eran ofrecidos por catálogo.
Deportadas para que no reclamen. “Una pareja jujeña y una tercera persona integraban una banda dedicada a comprar niños recién nacidos a mujeres bolivianas y peruanas sin recursos, para entregarlos en adopción en los centros urbanos del país”, reportó el diario electrónico El Libertario.
La detención de Carlos C., Erika T. y una tercera persona, cuya identidad no fue revelada, se produjo el 18 de octubre en diferentes operativos ejecutados por la Policía Federal en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y en las localidades de Tilcara y Maimará.

Caen cinco sujetos por trata de menores en San Luis Talpa

Cinco hombres fueron capturados en el Municipio de San Luis Talpa, en el departamento de La Paz, luego que autoridades los investigaran por el delito de trata de personas en perjuicio de varias menores.

Desmantelan red que prostituía a menores de edad - diario El Pais

Una denuncia de un defensor de familia del municipio de Acacías, Meta, permitió desmantelar una estructura criminal dedicada a la trata de personas, que explotaba sexualmente a menores en por lo menos tres departamentos del país.

La Policía capturó a 16 personas, señaladas de inducir y obligar a la prostitución a jovencitas inicialmente “reclutadas” en municipios de Tolima y Cundinamarca.

Las menores eran trasladadas a casas de lenocinio en Meta, Casanare e incluso la frontera con Venezuela.

El golpe se logró tras el seguimiento hecho por la Dijín al caso de una joven de 16 años, cuya madre, la entregó a los dueños de establecimientos de prostitución.

Durante la investigación, miembros de la Dijín con apoyo del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar inspeccionaron varios de los prostíbulos.

Además, las cuales los investigadores entrevistaron a varias de las víctimas, entre ellas la niña, quien reconoció haber sido víctima de abuso desde los 12 años de edad, con el auspicio y consentimiento de su madre.

Desmantelan red que prostituía a menores de edad - diario El Pais

Human Trafficking and Smuggling Report

DHS Open Source Enterprise 
21 October 2011 

Lewisville Basketball Coach Facing Child-Trafficking Charge [Texas]:  A Lewisville basketball coach is facing a child trafficking charge.  Theodore James Berry, II, was arrested by Lewisville police after bringing a minor from Mexico on the promise to play basketball for a local select team. … The boy's family, according to a police affidavit, paid Berry $300 a month so he could live with Berry and attend Lewisville High School.  The boy arrived in North Texas on Aug. 22, police said, but instead of playing basketball he was ordered to sell popcorn to raise funds.  Over the next few weeks, police said, the boy was dropped off in Richardson, Lewisville, Plano and McAllen and told to sell popcorn.  When he refused, police said, Berry threatened him. On Sept. 17 the boy called his parents in Mexico and told them he was being forced to sell popcorn and not allowed to play basketball. … Berry was arrested by Lewisville police on Sept. 28 and released on Oct. 2 after posting bond.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 20 October 2011; Source: 

4 Arrested For Human Smuggling [Arizona]:  Four people were arrested and three vehicles seized Tuesday near Douglas after they tried to smuggle 13 illegal immigrants into the United States, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.  Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents tried to stop three vehicles traveling north on S.R. 191 on Tuesday.  Two of the vehicles fled, but the third stopped and 13 people bailed out of the car and fled into the desert.  With the help of a Border Protection Office of Air and Marine helicopter, agents were able to apprehend the 13.  Agents later tracked down another of the vehicles and arrested its three occupants.  The driver of the remaining vehicle was caught trying to cross into Mexico at the Douglas Port of Entry and was arrested.  The four, all Mexican nationals, face federal human smuggling charges.  [HSEC- 3.10; Date: 19 October 2011; Source:

Longview Couple Sentenced In Human Trafficking Case [Washington]:  A Micronesian couple has been sentenced in a human trafficking case in which they held an 18-year-old woman from their homeland as a virtual prisoner in their Longview home while forcing her to be their servant.  Edk Kenit, 29, was sentenced Wednesday to three years and three months in federal prison.  Kenit's girlfriend, Choimina Lukas, 31, was sentenced to 20 months in prison. … The couple admitted to recruiting a woman identified only as "S.S" … to America with the promise of education and travel.  Once S.S. arrived … the couple seized her passport.  S.S. was made to provide full-time childcare, cooking and cleaning service for the couple without pay.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 19 October 2011; Source:] 

Kansas City Woman Pleads Guilty To Coerced Sex Trafficking Of A Child [Missouri]:  Beth Phillips, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced that a Kansas City, Mo ., woman pleaded guilty in federal court today to selling a child victim into prostitution. ... By pleading guilty today, Key admitted that she operated a prostitution ring that assisted and profited from the coerced sex trafficking of achild.  Co-defendant Eric Gathings, also known as "Pulu," 37, of Columbia, Mo., pleaded guilty on October 12, 2011.  Gathings admitted that in 2009 he recruited a homeless minor to engage in prostitution for his financial benefit.  Gathings provided housing for the minor victim, but took her earnings after requiring that she sell herself for sex.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 19 October 2011; Source: 


Suspect Sought By Ottawa Police In Human Trafficking Ring Nabbed In Montreal [Canada]:  The suspected leader of a human trafficking ring was arrested in Montreal on Wednesday when he made a court appearance on an unrelated matter.  Jamie Byron had been sought by Ottawa police on charges of keeping a common bawdy house, living off the avails of juvenile prostitution, exercising control over a person for prostitution and trafficking a person under 18 years old.  The charges relate to a 17-year-old Windsor girl who was recruited in Ottawa for prostitution.  It's alleged the girl was kept at a downtown Ottawa hotel and starved until she agreed to work as a prostitute, sources say.  Police say they have identified only one victim, but are looking for others.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 20 October 2011; Source: 

Some Parents Found To Traffic Own Babies in China:  Parents in China have been discovered to be trafficking in their own offspring, selling their babies to agents who then find new families for them, according to recent reports in the Chinese press.  Thousands of dollars change hands in the deals, though it does not always turn out well for the children being traded: after being sold, some die as a result of poor feeding or transport conditions, while others are intentionally disabled and made street beggars to bring in money.  Expectant mothers in Butuo County in southern Sichuan Province took the initiative to contact an intermediary of a baby trafficking ring, according to a Qilu Evening News report on Oct.18.  The traffickers took the women to Zhoucheng in Shandong Province; after birth the babies were examined and, if healthy, deals were cut on the spot.  Boys fetched around $7,840 while girls were sold at $4,704, with the baby broker taking a hefty commission, Qilu Evening News reported.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 20 October 2011; 
Source: 63060.html] 

Owner Of Maid Agency Claims Trial To Human Trafficking [Indonesia]:  A local maid agency owner accused of trafficking in an Indonesian woman claimed trial in the Sessions Court here yesterday.  Then Fook Khian, a local man, pleaded not guilty before judge Dayang Ellyn Narissa Abang Ahmad who fixed the trial for Jan 11 to 13 next year. … This was the third charge for human trafficking against Then.  Previously, Then and his two sons, Robin Then Boon Leng, 21, and Then Boon Fui, 39, were jointly charged in another Sessions Court for trafficking in two Indonesian women (two counts). … They allegedly committed the crime in a house at Jalan Maxwell on Feb 12 and June 14 this year.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 20 October 2011; Source:] 

Scandal Of Trafficked Women Held In UK [United Kingdom]:  Almost 200 women are being unlawfully detained in immigration centers after being trafficked into Britain. … The women were brought to Britain on false passports by organized criminal gangs who forced them into prostitution, labor or street-begging, leading charity Poppy Project said.  The women escaped imprisonment but were later arrested by police for immigration offences.  The charity today released the figures and called on the Government to stop detaining women trafficked from abroad.  Poppy Project director Abigail Stepnitz said: "Imprisoning vulnerable victims in detention centers is a scandal.  The trafficking gangs took their freedom away but forced them to suffer unimaginable hardships.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 20 October 2011; Source:] 

Victims Of Child Trafficking Disappear From Council Care [United Kingdom]:  Child trafficking through Dover has come under the spotlight after new figures revealed 25 children have gone missing while under the care of the council.  Between April 1 and August 31 this year, 25 young people, aged between 12 and 17, disappeared from care after being brought illegally through Kent's channel ports.  That is almost a quarter of the number of foreign youngsters who have been brought into the county for exploitation and placed either in a home or with foster parents.  [HSEC-3.10; Date: 19 October 2011; Source:] 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Conference on Racism/Human Trafficking & Child Abuse

A Global Combined conference will take place from 22ND-25th November 2011 in Atlanta-Georgia, United States of America at the Hilton Atlanta Conference Center, and from (28th-30th
November 2011) in Olympic Stadium Hall Dakar Senegal.

Applicant that are interested and want to represent his/her country should Contact the conference secretariat via Email ( more details and Information. Endeavor to inform them that you were invited to participate by (Miss. Abigail Owen) Staff member of the Global International Youth Foundation USA.

Note that the Organizing Committee is responsible for the air tickets, visas and lodging accommodation in USA only.

Plan Nacional Contra la Trata de Personas nace sin presupuesto

Trata de Personas

No a la Trata en el Perú

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 01:53 PM PDT
La Red Mirada Ciudadana y Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS Alternativo) saluda la aprobación del Plan Nacional de Acción Contra la Trata de Personas 2011-2016, pero al mismo tiempo advierten sobre la falta de fondos públicos para su implementación a partir del próximo año. Es decir, se estaría presentando un programa que hasta el momento no tiene financiamiento propio ni posibilidades de tenerlo.

En el artículo 3 del Decreto Supremo 004-2011-IN se especifica que el Plan se financiará de acuerdo «al presupuesto institucional de los pliegos involucrados, sujeto a las Leyes Anuales de Presupuesto y sin demandar recursos adicionales al Tesoro Público». Precisamente el punto referido a recursos adicionales es lo preocupante del caso, pues sabido es que el presupuesto anual propuesto para cada ministerio –aprobado por el Ejecutivo en agosto de este año y en espera de confirmación por el Congreso de la República para diciembre– no especifica ningún fondo destinado a acciones contra el delito de trata de personas.

«Cabe hacerse las siguientes preguntas: ¿Con qué fondos el Ministerio Público pretende establecer mecanismos de protección de las víctimas de trata si no existe una partida que lo costee? ¿De dónde se piensa implementar albergues o refugios para aquellos que han escapado o decidido denunciar las redes de trata? Y en general, ¿qué recursos tienen el Ministerio de Educación o de Salud o de Trabajo –carteras ahora con obligaciones en el tema– para implementar las políticas de prevención y persecución de este delito?», explica Ricardo Valdés Cavassa, director de CHS Alternativo.

Dentro de los 95,535 millones de nuevos soles con que contaría el presupuesto público para el 2012, no existe información oficial que se refiera a cubrir las políticas de acción ante este tipo de crimen. Esto significa que, a partir de la entrada en vigencia del Plan Nacional Contra la Trata de Personas 2011-2016, cada ministerio involucrado deberá dejar de lado algunos proyectos propios para sufragar los alcances del programa.

«Al establecer el Decreto Supremo 004-2011-IN que el Plan Nacional 2011-2016 no contará con recursos adicionales, algunos ministerios podrían verse afectados en sus actividades programadas para cumplir sus objetivos de sector. En el peor de los casos, estaría promoviendo que se desfinancien las medidas que se podrían realizar no solo en los últimos dos meses de este año, sino también a lo largo de todo el 2012–explica Ricardo Valdés–. Si el Congreso de la República no autoriza un monto adicional en diciembre de este año, en la práctica el Plan Nacional recién estará funcionando en el 2013».

Cabe destacar que la planificación de esta nueva estrategia estatal –plausible pero incompleta– no solo preocupa a CHS Alternativo sino también a la Red Mirada Ciudadana, que comprende a diez regiones del país como Loreto, Madre de Dios, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Junín, Lambayeque, Huánuco, Piura y Lima. Regiones que, por lo demás, son las que registran mayor cantidad de denuncias de trata de personas a nivel nacional.

Área de Comunicaciones
CHS Alternativo (Capital Humano y Social)
Calle Víctor Larco Herrera 277 - Miraflores
Teléfono: (511) 446 5834 / (511) 242 3625
Celular: (511) 972 524 187 / *133007 (rpm)
Posted: 19 Oct 2011 01:58 PM PDT
Para prevenir y perseguir delitos y proteger a las víctimas

Lima, oct. 19 (ANDINA). El Ministerio del Interior aprobó hoy el "Plan Nacional de Acción contra la Trata de Personas 2011-2016", un instrumento que permitirá establecer una política pública de prevención y persecución de este delito, así como de protección de sus víctimas.

Ministerio del Interior aprueba "Plan nacional de Acción contra la Trata de Personas 2011-2016". Foto: ANDINA/Archivo.
Mediante un Decreto Supremo, se dispone, además, que las coordinaciones, seguimientos y evaluaciones del plan a nivel local, regional y nacional estén a cargo de la secretaría técnica del Grupo de Trabajo Multisectorial Permanente contra la Trata de Personas del ministerio.

El dispositivo legal, publicado hoy en el boletín de Normas Legales del Diario Oficial El Peruano, indica que dicho grupo de trabajo estará integrado por representantes designados para cada sector, quienes evaluarán el desarrollo del plan en su jurisdicción.

Asimismo, los titulares o responsables en los sectores del Estado deben asegurar que las actividades y gastos se incluyan en los planes operativos y presupuestos institucionales respectivos, detalla la norma.

Para el financiamiento del plan, el decreto señala que será aplicado al presupuesto institucional de los pliegos involucrados sujeto a las leyes anuales de presupuesto y sin demandar recursos adicionales al Tesoro Público.

El Decreto Supremo lleva la firma del Presidente de la República, Ollanta Humala Tasso, y del presidente del Consejo de Ministros, Salomón Lerner Ghitis, así como del ministro del Interior Óscar Valdés Dancuart y otros ministros de Estado.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Child Protection in Europe - Update #139


Top News »

.0. .0.

European Union Anti-trafficking day: Commission calls for better protection of the victims

18 Oct 2011
The European Commission has published a report on the EU Anti-trafficking day, on the implementation of the Directive on the residence permits issued to victims of trafficking. Read More
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News on the net - Headlines »

.0. .0.

International When child abuse goes online

17 Oct 2011
'The Malta Independent Online' reports that while the Internet has been a source of significant positive change, it has also created new opportunities for the abuse and exploitation of children and young people. Read More
.0. .0.

UK Children warned over 'Facebook friend' stalkers

16 Oct 2011
'Scotsman' reports that officials have launched an internet safety programme after finding that primary school-age children were making themselves vulnerable on Facebook to cyberspace stalkers. Read More
.0. .0.

Portugal The Body Shop fights child trafficking in Portugal

15 Oct 2011
'The Portugal News Online' reports that International cosmetics brand The Body Shop has donated €44,300 to the Portuguese Victim Support Association (APAV) as part of the company's worldwide campaign against the sexua... Read More
.0. .0.

Denmark Immigration Service criticised for treatment of asylum children

14 Oct 2011
'The Copenhagen Post' reports that the Immigration Service's treatment of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum was criticised by the parliamentary ombudsman, who claims the service is not living up to its legal obligat... Read More
.0. .0.

Romania Romtelecom and the Child Line Association in the service of children for 10 years

13 Oct 2011
'Nine Oclock' reports that the two partners organized an event to celebrate a decade of their existence together in fighting to defend the children rights in Romania. Read More
.0. .0.

The Netherlands Child pornography: prevention is key

13 Oct 2011
'Dutch News' re-published an interview with Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, the Dutch national rapporteur on trafficking in human beings after she published a report on child pornography. Read More
.0. .0.

UK Supreme Court overturns non-EU young spouses ban

12 Oct 2011
'BBC' reports that the British Supreme Court ruled that a recently adopted ban on non-EU foreign spouses under the age of 21 coming to the UK was unlawful. Read More
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UK African children trafficked to UK for blood rituals

12 Oct 2011
'BBC' reports that over the last four years at least 400 African children were trafficked into the UK mostly with the purpose of using their blood in so-called 'juju' witchcraft rituals. Read More
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UK What's going on October 2011 to Safeguard Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation?

17 Oct 2011
This research project has explored the extent and nature of the response of LSCBs (London Safeguarding Children Board) to the 2009 government guidance on safeguarding children and young people from sexual exploitation. Read More
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European Union Child poverty – family poverty: are they one and the same?

13 Oct 2011
The latest position paper of Eurochild tackles child poverty from a rights based approach. Read More
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European Union Migrants in an irregular situation: access to healthcare in 10 European Union Member States

13 Oct 2011
This report looks at the law and practice concerning access to healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation in 10 EU Member States, namely Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain ... Read More